My heart....

I would say that I have a big heart. After spending a week in Germany working with the Military kids, I would have to say that my heart grew bigger! I think God put me with those kids for a reason. I could work with those kids in Germany long term, after I graduate. It would be amazing! It would bring my heart joy! While working with those kids I had a chance to reflect on some things. The last morning of Escape I sat in the hall thinking of the kids, thinking of the work that had happened. I opened my journal, and read something I wrote about two years ago. I was at a low point in my life and had noticed somethings. i had lost my joy for life, put up walls to guard my self, and become very tough. I had also put on and started wearing a mask. What I ended up realizing while I was sitting there in the hall was, that my joy had returned. God blew my mind. I was so happy working with these kids they helped me realize the joy I once lost. God has been so Faithful to me, and no matter what I know that HE is going to take good care of me no matter what. Thank you Lord.


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