Life as I Know It: Holidays After Loss
There is an empty space where you use to be.
The two stockings were hung instead of three.
A part of my heart is missing where you use to be.
And there is an empty space at the table where you use to be.
I have been missing you, I know your missing me.
I know that you're celebrating with the other three.
I know your no longer in pain like you use to be.
You're in heaven celebrating with our King.
There is a tall decorated tree missing.
It's hard to decorate with you not here.
Your ornaments hold to many memories for some to bare.
So there is an empty space where the tree should be.
All decked with lights like it use to be.
As I look to the future and time has marched on.
Your memory will be shared with all who let on.
I will tell those who will miss you about who you were.
To pass on the memory to each him or her.
So no one will forget what a blessing you were.
I love you till I see you again.
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