For the summer of 2013 I worked up at Black Lake Bible Camp.
I was hired on staff as a Day Camp Counselor.
My summer was crazy and fun here are some of what went on in the eleven weeks I was there.
My summer home
Black Lake 2013 summer staff
My room for the summer
The backpack that went almost everywhere during summer.
how to draw on a t-shirt (speciality time)
(Speciality time: time during the week where the staff would teach the campers how to do something.)
Every day of camp we had worship as a group. It was up beat songs that the kids caught on to quickly (if they didn't know them already).
To get to know our campers on the first day of camp we did team time. This is where we chose a team name and drew it out on a poster.
Sunsets on Black Lake looked like this. I could get use to that.
some summer staff hanging out.
My back after finding out how sunburnt I was. It was happy to have aloe.
The fearless dear that roamed around on the camp grounds.
this week we went to the Aquarium
Every week we went on field trips.
some of them were: Wild Waves, Great Wolf Lodge, The Aquarium, Hands on Children's Museum, The Rock Gym, We had a wild animal show and also Games 2U come to camp for the day.
Hands on children's museum
With that brings the end of my summer of 2013.
It was a Blessing to serve at Black Lake this summer. I found a great family up in Olympia. Times come that I miss camp, but not too much. :)
I had to rely on Christ to be my only power source to get me through the long days at camp. He was more than faithful to bring me through. The other thing is I had a ton of fun.
It was a Blessing to serve at Black Lake this summer. I found a great family up in Olympia. Times come that I miss camp, but not too much. :)
I had to rely on Christ to be my only power source to get me through the long days at camp. He was more than faithful to bring me through. The other thing is I had a ton of fun.
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