The Last Ten Months: Part One
The last ten months has been crazy!! Filled with tears, joy, laughter, and some wonderful surprises. Here is the first part of my update :) (August- December)
A new school year is under way for me. I'm three weeks in and i'm excited to be back. back where? (you might be asking). Well God brought me back to Multnomah full time. :)
He also brought me back into Memorial dorm. I was placed in a wonderful section called Storybook Hall. My wonderful R.A. was Jennica Mosser
God has been pushing on me and my heart since.
God's pushing became very evident over our school retreat at Washington Family Ranch. That weekend I will not soon forget. The speaker was amazing! He was talked about the story of Joseph and his brothers. He also wove in about how Joseph was able to forgive his brothers. He then turned to us asking if there were people in our lives that we need to forgive.
At the time two people's faces popped into my head. It was at that point I knew what God was going to do in my life, to shake it up this year. He is going to be teaching me forgiveness. As I sat listening to the speaker I felt like I was the only one in the room, and he was talking straight to me. Part of me wanted desperately to yell that I don't want to forgive these people in my life.
Learn to forgive. That is what God is going to teach me this year.
Classes got underway at Multnomah after returning from WA. FA. RA. (Washington Family Ranch).
Along with college classes, I also started dancing ballet again. It was nice to be back doing something I loved and hadn't done in three years (although my feet didn't like me for a while). I also decided that it would be to hard to have a full time job over the river and go to school. So I ended up resigning at Macy's where I had worked over the summer.
September 15, 2012 was the three year anniversary of my dad's passing. It was a rough day but somewhat made it through with the help of some wonderful friends at school.
My wonderful R.A. started a weekly homework in the hall. A place where we could come and "do homework"(socialize) with our section. This was a way to meet the section and get some homework done.
(homework in the hall with my hall mates)
God was starting to work in my heart with the relationship I was forming with my hall mates. I was trusting Him to be my source of strength.
Classes continued to go on, really enjoying all of my classes. One of the classes called Urban Youth Ministry we got to do what the teacher called "the Urban Plunge" for this we took the max to west Portland to see the urban part of the city and to think of ideas on how to potentially reach them.
Also took mid-terms for all my classes. (and I survived!)
(My partner and I on the Urban Plunge)
Also in October rehearsals for Nutcracker were in full force. For Nutcracker I got cast as Claire's mom, an Emerald of the Kingdom, and Waltz of the Flowers. For a nice break from Home work some friends and I got together to watch a "Once Upon a Time" together on Sunday nights.
For halloween I went to class and our church carnival dressed as Red Riding Hood.
School.. school.. and more school. Also rehearsals for Nutcracker were in full swing. I was able to have some fun though.. :) Fall banquet this year had a theme to it "Space Odyssey". My friends and I got dressed up as aliens and had a blast!
(Shari, Amanda, and I after banquet)
Also had Thanksgiving dinner with my Family and Grandparents in Woodburn.
Another thing was decided in November, I was going back to Germany in February with the Group of Multnomah students. Really excited to go back and visit.
Brought the end of the of the fall semester. So, i got to move home and spend this time with my family. Also brought the performance of the Nutcracker. I had a blast! It was so good to be dancing again.
(Mother, an Emerald of the Kingdom, and Waltz of the Flowers)
This sums up the first five months of the last year.
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